Service Details

At SCREAM we require that a deposit be paid prior to the event.  This deposit will be $100 unless otherwise stated.  After the event has been completed we ask that the remainder of the invoice be paid within two weeks.  If you wish to pay for our services in one payment we request that this occurs before the event.  We accept cash, checks and credit cards. Due to processing fees from Credit Card Companies we charge a 4% fee on Credit card transactions.

Prior to Event:
After contacting our staff via email or phone call about your event we will assist in finding you the best package based on the information provided and your events page.  Once the information and package is selected we will send you an invoice to "lock in" your event.  Once your event is locked in, we guarantee that we will be at your event.  

Sometime before your event, we request that a schedule be sent to  This will prepare our members for the event and communicate setup and teardown hours. Additionally you will be required to sign a service contract with hours based off this schedule.  
At the event:
We will arrive at the venue the night before the event at the time of your choosing. All technology will be setup and tested by the time we leave, barring any issues with school networking. 

Throughout the competition day our Tournament Manager Operators will be available as Field Technicians. This means that the Tournament Manager Operator will not be performing refereeing duties or judging duties.  We instead oversee the input of scores, technology and management of the livestream.  This excludes add-on referees and judges, which would work within their specific areas.
After the event:
With the conclusion of the event, we will promptly pack up our equipment and depart the venue.  We will then give the event partner (EP) or event coordinator the remainder of the invoice.  We request payment via check or cash.  We request our invoice be paid no later than 14 days after the event.

Cancellation Policy:
If, for any reason, your event is cancelled, we require that notice be sent to no later than 2 weeks (14 days) prior to the event.  We will then refund your deposit if this notice is sent prior to 14 days before your event.

Late Payments:
If, for any reason or no reason, the payment of the last invoice is not paid within the 14 days after the event, we will send a formal notice of late payment to the respective party.  Any late payments will incur an additional charge of $25 for each day proceeding the 14 day payment period.  If any issues occur that prevents the final payment for our services please contact us at

Additional Services:
If any additional services are quested, we request that notice be sent prior to the event.  However, we may be able to provide these services during the event.  If these services fall within the predefined packages, such as package upgrades or add-ons, then the final invoice will reflect the additional services. Additional services without prior notice are not guaranteed to be performed, for the best results advance planning is required. 

Gas Fees:
The base packages found on our services page have a respective 150 miles of driving included in them.  If the event is beyond this 150 mile driving limit, we will incur an additional charge to cover gas/transportation costs.  This charge will be communicated before "locking in" your event and the request of the deposit.