About Us

S.C.R.E.A.M was founded after the 2023 VEX robotics season and consists of members around the state to assist in your VEX robotics event needs.  Our members and staff have served in various roles in VEX Robotics, most as competitors and volunteers.  Most of our staff has served roles at multiple VEX robotics state competitions and some have even served events such as Kalahari Signature Event and VEX Worlds Championship.  Our referees and judges are certified by VEX and able to handle scoring and decision making required of their position.  Our members consist of alumni of bCUz robotics (Clemson's VEXU team), members of EZPZ (Gamecock Robotics), and other members who have competed in prior VEX robotics seasons.

As of May 24th, 2023 S.C.R.E.A.M is a founded Independent Student Organization (ISO) of Clemson University.  We currently have six team members on staff which will grow throughout the year.  Outside of the university, we have enlisted the help of Gamecock Robotics and other alumni of many robotics programs across the state.

Our founder, Christopher Blake (pictured in green above) founded S.C.R.E.A.M after the need for help in South Carolina robotics competitions.  Christopher has been involved with VEX robotics for the last 5 years and has devoted time and effort into developing a flourishing robotics program at the Center for Advanced Technical Studies.  Christopher currently attends Clemson and is working on his Bachelors of Science in Mechanical Engineering.

Our co-founder, Alden Broyles (pictured in yellow above) has been a competitor of VEX robotics for the last 6 years and has recently begun mentoring his local high school's team at the Center for Advanced Technical Studies.  Alden has been volunteering for robotics competitions since the completion of his high school robotics career and has participated in running nearly 600 matches.  Alden currently attends Clemson and is working on his Bachelors of Science in Mechanical Engineering.

One of our most prestigious staff members is Zach Lindler (pictured in red).  Zach has been an active competitor of VEX robotics for 7 or more years.  Since, Zach has been working heavily with different event providers around the state to head referee events.  Most recently, Zach participated at VEX Worlds 2023 in the position head referee for the Math middle and high school divisions.  Zach also got the opportunity at Worlds to referee finals matches in the VEX dome, the highest level of VEX robotics competition matches.  Zach is currently attending Lutheran Theological Southern Seminary to become a youth pastor.

Another of our prestigious staff members is Raymond Jedlicka.  Raymond has been an active competitor in VEX for 8 years and is currently competing with Gamecock Robotics (EZPZ).  Raymond has been volunteering for events around the state with Alden and Christopher for about 3 years.  They have currently served in roles of Scorekeeper referee and was a certified head referee of the 2023 season.  Raymond is working on his Bachelors of Science at the University of South Carolina in information science.

Zach Jeffcoat and Jed Smith are among many of SCREAM's newer members.  Zach and Jed just graduated high school and are previous members of Center of Advanced Technical Studies teams (916).  Both decided to pursue post-secondary education at the University of South Carolina and Midlands Technical College.  Zach is working towards his Bachelors of Science in integrated information technology (IIT).  Jed is working in machine tool technology at Midlands.  Both Zach and Jed joined EZPZ (Gamecock robotics) and are beginning their second season of VEX.

Our Certifications

Our members have obtained various certifications related to VEX robotics, to view all of our certifications, visit our google drive below:

View our certificates here

South Carolina State VEX Robotics Championship the night before competition day on Saturday.

Team Members of Gamecock Robotics (EZPZ) participating as competitors at VEX Worlds 2023.

learn more About EZPZ